Toddler Sense Seminaar

Title: Toddler Sense Seminaar
Location: Radisson Hotel
Description: Toddlers Workshop sien uit daarna om weer Ann Richardson se Toddler Sense Seminaar op 2 Oktober 2010 in die Radisson Hotel aan te bied en glo dit gaan weer maande voor die tyd uitverkoop wees. Om teleurstelling te voorkom, besoek die webtuiste of skakel vir Debbie by 031 262 4962 of 082 467 8236.
Date: 2010-10-02

Taming Uncontrollable Behaviour

Does your child throw tantrums? Kick, scream, hit, pinch, push and punch? Are you struggling to manage your child’s behaviour? Unsure how to discipline appropriately? Differences between mom and dad’s views?

In our world it is very important for our children to develop socially and to form friendships.  To do this children need to develop social skills: being able to listen to others, to share, care, and learn to communicate in a positive manner. Their behaviour toolbox will need to include: manners, respect, and the ability to learn self control.

This workshop will provide parents with a toolkit that will shape their child’s behaviour in a constructive way – without crushing their spirit.

Presenters: Ilze Biggs (Counselling Psychologist) and Samantha Rump (Counselling Psychologist)

Date: 25th May 2010

Time: 19:00 for 19:30

Venue: Toddlers Workshop, 39 Brewer Rd Summerstrand

Cost:  R50 per person

Booking is essential and can be done by phoning Lynette at 0837933320 after hours.

Let’s move!

The dangers of playing out in the street or in the park down the road, more and more people living in town houses or flats, more access to television, DVD’s and computers, longer working hours for parents and less play time for children all boil down to one alarming fact:  OUR CHILDREN ARE NO LONGER PHYSICAL ENOUGH!

While children are on the go and playing physically they develop the necessary skills they need for further learning.  Children develop in so many areas when they are active and it is our responsibility as a parents or caregivers to provide these opportunities for development. We simply cannot be passive!  Here are some examples of what happens when your children play physically:

  • Establishing dominance and laterality: the preference most humans show for one side of their body over the other. Examples include right-handedness or left-footedness;
  • developing spatial awareness:  far, near, under, over, inside, outside, between, behind;
  • developing balancing skills;
  • creating body awareness;
  • exercising timing, motor planning and co-ordination;
  • releasing the body of excess energy, tension and frustration.

Not being active enough can lead to various problems:

  • emotional problems, e.g. anger or depression;
  • poor fine motor skills, e.g. having difficulty cutting, writing, threading and doing jigsaw puzzles;
  • poor spatial skills which might include the reversal of letters and numbers when reading or writing;
  • poor performance in sequencing activities such as reading and spelling, and
  • problems with mathematics

Given the ages of the children attending Toddlers Workshop, few have the ability to actually play ball games like soccer, cricket, rugby, hockey etc.  However, we want to make a difference to our children’s development by creating more opportunities to be physically active.  Therefore, we will have a brand new theme for the second term:  Let’s move!  We will play with bean bags, bigger balls, smaller balls, balloons, a parachute and hula hoops. Even our creative activities will be physical!  So, come prepared!  Dress comfortably and make sure you have lots of energy!  Together, we can make a difference.

Stop before you switch on the television!  Here are some fun, physical activities that you can do with your child instead:

  • Get out your empty cardboard boxes and create an exciting maze.  Use coffee tables, sheets, etc.
  • Collect all your empty Styrofoam containers, spread them all over, switch on some lovely rhythmical music and start stamping the Styrofoam.  Clean up by tearing the last bits and throwing them into the dust bin.
  • Play a game of hide and seek.  Toddlers usually use the same hiding place.  Do not let that put you off.  Be enthusiastic! They love the anticipation.
  • Involve Dad and play a nice game of wrestling on the carpet.
  • Close the doors leading to the passage and play Catch and Throw in your own passage.
  • Play according to your child’s ability and forget about rules.  Have fun.

You will surely have a thrilled and tired toddler to put to bed.  As a bonus you might just have a little more energy for your own bedtime gymnastics!  Let’s get rolling.  Life is too short to waste one moment.

Please help me collect the following and bring them along on your visits to Toddlers Workshop:  empty cardboard boxes e.g. cereal, tea, pills, etc., excess Styrofoam containers, the inners of your paper towels rolls, and your egg box containers.  I will appreciate that and promise that we will have lots of fun.

Homemade finger-paints

Engaging in finger painting is so important for your toddlers’ creative and emotional outlets, but lots of people are frustrated with the brands that are available in toy shops.  Try this homemade recipe and see if it works for you:

Mix 2 tablespoons of Maizena with water until it becomes a paste.  Add a cup of water to it en slowly heat the mixture until it has the consistency of custard.  Add a few drops of colouring en leave it to cool.  Voila!  Let the fun begin.

Hoe om ‘n legkaart te kies?

Ouers sal dikwels vir my vra:  “Hoeveel stukke behoort my kind teen 2 jaar te kan bou?”

Dit is geen eenvoudige vraag om te beantwoord nie aangesien kinders se vermoëns met legkaarte hemelsbreed verskil.  Ek het al ‘n tweejarige gehad wat alle legkaarte op die rak oor en oor gebou en dit uiteindelik onderstebo kon bou.  Hy was eenvoudig rasend oor legkaarte en sou dit later seker geblinddoek ook kon bou!  Aan die ander kant kry jy ‘n vierjarige wat die stukke van die tafel af sal vee en doodeenvoudig weier om ‘n legkaart te bou.

Legkaarte se moeilikheidsgraad hang nie bloot af van die aantal stukke nie.  Neem gerus die volgende ook in oorweging:

  • Het die legkaart ‘n enkelvoudige prent sonder enige agtergrond, of bestaan die prent uit ‘n figuur teen die agtergrond of voorgrond van menige ander detail?  Die tweejarige kan begin met die enkelvoudige prent van byvoorbeeld ‘n bal en uiteindelik vorder tot ‘n prent van ‘n bal teen die voor- en agtergrond van ‘n parkie met allerlei kinders, plante en diertjies.
  • Dit is altyd makliker om aanvanklik met ‘n legkaart wat bloot vierkantig of reghoekig is, te begin.  Deesdae is daar legkaarte wat sirkelvormig is of selfs die vorm aanneem van byvoorbeeld ‘n boot, ‘n insek of ‘n huis.  Hierdie legkaarte bied groter uitdagings.
  • Party legkaartstukke lê doodgewoon teenaan mekaar terwyl die makliker tradisionele legkaart se stukke in mekaar pas en so selfkorrigerend is.
  • Die meeste tradisionele legkaartstukke is min of meer ewe groot.  Nuwerwetse legkaartstukke wissel dikwels in grootte en vorm en bied so ‘n groter uitdaging aan die kind.

1 – 2 jaar: Stel jou peuter bloot aan knoppieslegkaarte met stukke waarvan die prente verkieslik realistiese, eerder as geanimeerde prente van diere, dinge of mense bevat.  Aanvanklik sal die peuter bloot plesier vind daarin om die stukke uit te pak.  Gebruik hierdie fase om vir hom die woordeskat van die verskillende items aan te leer en plaas teen die einde weer al die stukke terug.  Hy sal jou gou probeer naboots deur dit self te probeer terugpak.  Wees versigtig om nie aanhoudend negatiewe kommentaar te lewer nie, soos byvoorbeeld:  “Nee, nie daar nie.  Hier!”  Dit breek die peuter se moed en lus en laat hom gou tou opgooi.  Loof eerder sy lofwaardige pogings en help hom wanneer hy daarom vra.

2 – 4 jaar: Begin met enkelvoudige prente sonder te veel gedetailleerde voor- en agtergrondprente.  Spring weg met 2 stuk-legkaarte en laat jou peuter jou lei:  4 stukke, ses stukke, agt stukke, ens.  Peuters is geneig om dieselfde legkaart oor en oor te bou totdat hy die vaardigheid bemeester het.  Moet hom nooit hierdie voorreg ontneem omdat die speletjie vir jou vervelig raak nie!  Dit gaan hier om die ontwikkeling van jou kind se vaardighede, nie om jou vermaak nie!  Ongelukkig word ‘n legkaart gou oorbodig wanneer die vaardigheid baasgeraak is.  Prys jou peuter hiervoor en beweeg aan.  Ruil gerus jou legkaarte uit met ‘n vriendin of familielid aangesien jy nooit genoeg kan aanskaf om die peuter se honger te bevredig nie.

Vanaf 4 jaar kan jou kind eksperimenteer met 20 en meer stukke.  Hierdie speletjie kan nou interessant raak aangesien jy van blote prente kan aanbeweeg na leersame materiaal soos byvoorbeeld ‘n legkaart met die verskillende provinsies van jou land, of ‘n onderwater-seetoneel.

Jy kan jou legkaarte aankoop deur Celia Nortje, of enige ander opvoedkundige speelgoed-konsultant.  Gaan gerus in op Celia se webtuiste: of stuur vir haar ‘n e-pos met jou behoeftes aan  Playworld in Heugweg, Walmer, bied ook ‘n groot verskeidenheid legkaarte en by Treasure Cove, ook in Heughweg, mag jy dalk teen ‘n nominale prys legkaaarte kan leen.

Ek hoor graag van jou indien jy enige raad of voorstelle in die verband het.  Lekker legkaart bou!

Hold on to Home this Christmas

The word “home” conjures up all sorts of emotions. For me, it means: safety, support, belonging, family and that wonderful emotion, love. The word “home” symbolises so much in your life. It is as if someone has lifted a huge load off your shoulders, you have come home to cooked food, warm beds, a cup of tea – to relax!

At some stage in your life though, all this has little meaning when you can’t share it, whether it’s with your partner or your children. It’s what most people work so hard towards – A family who love each other, support and comfort one another. You have a sense of belonging which is one of the most wonderful experiences to have, whether it’s belonging to family, a Church group, tennis club, book club, and golf four balls. You feel good when someone notices you’re around.

My sons, Canaan and James, love it when my husband, Sean, and I have one big family hug with them. Canaan screams in delight saying, “We a happy family!” When I sit back and think of that small action and those special words, my heart swells and I think to myself – In that small moment of our lives, that is what we all work so hard for – You belong, you love, you are safe, you have support and most importantly, no matter where you are – You are Home!

Thank God for these special Blessings, may you and your family have a Blessed Christmas.

Olivia Brice (daughter, sister, wife, mother)

Evergreen Parenting


Evergreen Parenting takes joy in offering a variety of services:

  • talks and seminars,
  • an interactive forum,
  • parenting tips and articles as well as
  • a wealth of parenting tools to assist you in your role as educator.

For more information go to

Lynette is an Evergreen Parenting facilitator and is currently running both an Afrikaans and English Evergreen Parenting course.  She also has the Evergreen products for sale.

Toddler Sense Seminars 2009

Title: Toddler Sense Seminars 2009
Location: 48 Erasmus Drive, Community Church Summerstrand
Description: Come and enjoy a morning with Ann Richardson, best selling author of Toddler Sense and learn everything you need to know about what makes your toddler tick!
* Toddler Sleep
* Health and Nutrition
* Managing behaviour and discipline
* Potty training
Book online at
or phone Debbie 031 262 4962 / 082467 8236
Cost R200 per person
Numbers limited
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2009-10-24
End Time: 13:00

How messy play NOW can clean up his act LATER!

How many of us say: “Let me see!” and then stretch out our hands to touch an object? We are all dependent on our tactile sense to interpret and engage with the world around us and to respond appropriately to touch sensations.

The tactile system is the first sensory system to develop in the womb and develops from the same embryonic layer as the nervous system. It is able to function effectively when the visual and auditory systems are just beginning to develop. The skin thus plays an important role in regulating our nervous system, i.e. making us more alert or calming us down. It affects our ability to learn as well as our emotional and social well-being. This stresses the fact that without a great deal of tactile stimulation of the body, the system tends to become unbalanced.

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Nuwe Kinderverseboek

‘n Splinternuwe, pragtige kinderverseboek is sopas deur die samesteller, Riana Scheepers, in Port Elizabeth bekend gestel.  By hierdie geleentheid meld Riana ‘n paar interessante feite oor kinders en poësie.

Ek haal haar kortliks aan:

Kinderpoësie is leer sonder pyn.  Dit laat die kind onvlug uit die werklikheid en neem hom op ‘n fantasievlug van pure lekkerte.  Terselftertyd verryk dit sy taalsisteme, woordeskat, spelling en idiome – om maar net ‘n paar te noem.  Poësie is ‘n verrykte taalaanbod; tog steeds toeganklik.  Buitendien laat kinderpoësie jou goed voel.  Die ritme, metrum en rympatroon in ‘n gedig leer kinders om beter te onthou.  So word bekende rympies uit die kindertyd dikwels in swaar tye as ‘n mantra herhaal omdat dit ‘n skakel is met ‘n geborge en veilige verlede.

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