Taming Uncontrollable Behaviour
Does your child throw tantrums? Kick, scream, hit, pinch, push and punch? Are you struggling to manage your child’s behaviour? Unsure how to discipline appropriately? Differences between mom and dad’s views?
In our world it is very important for our children to develop socially and to form friendships. To do this children need to develop social skills: being able to listen to others, to share, care, and learn to communicate in a positive manner. Their behaviour toolbox will need to include: manners, respect, and the ability to learn self control.
This workshop will provide parents with a toolkit that will shape their child’s behaviour in a constructive way – without crushing their spirit.
Presenters: Ilze Biggs (Counselling Psychologist) and Samantha Rump (Counselling Psychologist)
Date: 25th May 2010
Time: 19:00 for 19:30
Venue: Toddlers Workshop, 39 Brewer Rd Summerstrand
Cost: R50 per person
Booking is essential and can be done by phoning Lynette at 0837933320 after hours.