Skoppelmaatjies en Klouter Kabouer CD’s
Skoppelmaatjies en Klouter Kabouter is twee CD’s met Afrikaanse liedjies vir babas en peuters met die doel om jonk en oud aan die beweeg te kry en sodoende ‘n beter brein te bou.
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Evergreen Parenting
Equips parents and educators with courses and resources to embrace temperament types, healthy authority and compassionate discipline.
Click here for more information
Our programmes have been designed to guide mom, dad and caregiver from pregnancy, through birth and through each of the physical development milestones including sucking, head control, rolling, sitting, crawling and walking.
For more information on BabyGym classes, click here
Tall Trees Training
All people can be leaders provided they make their unique contribution at the right time and in the right place, and allow others to do the same. Leadership is the art of knowing when to bow, when to stand tall and when to dance with others. It is a fact that leaders do not always lead from the front…
For more information click here
Thandu’uSana babies Safe Home
Is a safe haven for abandoned, neglected and abused babies 0 – 3 years of age. It is a NGO (068/466) situated in Port Elizabeth.
Is a group of Port Elizabeth based professionals, all working with babies and toddlers ages 0 – 8, who meets every second week to empower one another for responsible referals.
To access their Facebook page, click here
Workshops are fun, interactive learning sessions that will help to ensure that your baby’s early years do not just slip away – and with them the amazing opportunity to shape a little body, emotions and thought patterns.
For more information click here